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How to Soothe Sunburnt Skin When Aloe Gel Isn’t Enough

How to Soothe Sunburnt Skin When Aloe Gel Isn’t Enough

Whether you fell asleep at the beach, thought that it was too cloudy, forgot to reapply the SPF lotion, or had reflective sun exposure like from snow or water, even a mild sunburn can cause discomfort. However, probably every person out there can sympathize with the agony of a really bad sunburn.
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How to Use Palo Santo Essential Oil Spray

How to Use Palo Santo Essential Oil Spray

Many people find the aroma of palo santo relaxing, so it’s commonly used to ease stress. It’s thought to have a purifying, cleansing effect on the body and mind. 
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The Benefits of Organic Rose Water and Rose Essential Oil

The Benefits of Organic Rose Water and Rose Essential Oil

So if you’re looking to update your skincare routine this year, you may want to consider products containing organic rose water and organic rose essential oil.
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