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September Horoscopes

September Horoscopes

September is famous for being a month when things speed up, but this time around, we may notice less frenetic activity than we would normally expect. Venus and Mercury will end their retrograde periods, on the 4th and 15th, respectively. But…outer planets, which tend to move things along whether we want them to or not, will remain in retrograde for most of the month. By the 4th, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto will keep us in a comparatively static state of mind.

What will happen for you during the Virgo-into-Libra season? Read below to discover where in your life you might benefit from a bit of introspection.


Remember: if you know what your ascending sign is, read for that one. If you don’t, read for your birthday sign…or find out what your rising sign is from a professional astrologer. Una happens to have one on site! Judi in and available for your personal astrology and Tarot readings on the 23rd of September.

ARIES (March 21-April 20)

Examine your spending patterns to make sure the incoming flow is at least as strong as the one going out. Generous Uncle Jupiter wants to ensure that you’re putting the nice things he’s brought to your life to good use. Your confidence will come into full bloom when the full moon graces your sign on the 29th.


TAURUS (April 21-May 20)

There will be more peace in your home this month, as Venus begins to move forward after the 4th. If you feel overwhelmed by too many things to do, give yourself permission to be more selective about how you spend your time. Groups and organizations love you for your dependability, but that doesn’t mean you have to answer each and every demand. Be especially discerning around the 20th.


GEMINI (May 21-July 20)

If you’ve been frustrated about getting more recognition or making a career move, be willing to see what the reality is. Neptune will continue to keep you dreaming big. While that’s not an entirely bad thing, you might want to consult with a pragmatic advisor before you make any drastic changes. The new moon on the 14th will help you strike a better work-home balance.


CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Relationships could continue to be stalled, as Pluto pushes the point about you declaring and/or reclaiming your personal power. The significant others in your life don’t mean to be so pushy, so when you start setting boundaries, they’ll back off faster than you might expect. Test your resolve on the 24th.


LEO (July 23-Aug 22)

Keep using your charm to get the things you want. Venus will allow you to begin moving forward with a campaign to reconnect with friends after a summer of vacations and changeling schedules. Take a closer look at a career concern. Are you being pigeon-holed when you believe your talents could be shared more widely? Speak out around 25th, and the right people will take notice.


VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22)

It’s your birthday month! Celebrate with a fresh start as you gather your personal charisma with the new moon on the 14th. Mercury goes direct in your sign on the 15th. It’s your ruling planet, so you’ll be quite relieved when you and everyone you know stop getting snarled in snafus of different types. An idea about going on a trip could be revived when Uranus inspires your vagabond spirit this month. 

LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 22)

You’re almost always looking for love, whether you’re already in a relationship or not. Your romantic needs are bound to be satisfied this month, so be proactive about setting a loving tone and cultivate an open and loving heart. Find a way to forgive a financial foible, and let the full moon on the 29th help you express your deep and unbinding love.


SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Relationships are a serious subject to you, and with Jupiter and Uranus pushing you to think more about the quality of your partners. If you’re already coupled up, it’s time to express your opinion about an issue that you’ve let slide so far. Don’t let it erode at your love for this other person. If a friendship needs repair, this is a good time to start making needed adjustments.


SAGITTARIUS  (November 22-Dec 21)

Are your finances in order? Pluto will continue to turn your attention toward your attitudes toward earning and spending. You’re going to want to save some cash for some end of year fun, and your favorite thing, a fun trip! Responsibilities at work will make you more excited than ever to get away. Friday the 15th will be an excellent time to make a plan.


CAPRICORN (Dec 21-Jan 20)

Friendships are more important to you than ever these days. Fun people to hang out with aren’t going to fall into your lap, though. Be proactive. Simply make appointments with yourself to do what you love. Chances are you’ll meet people you like, or, if you’re available, you could be put into the mood for love.


AQUARIUS (Jan 21-Feb 20)

If there’s an issue surrounding your home or family, this is an excellent time to begin to deal with it. Whether you build a bridge with an estranged relative or renovate your kitchen the way you really want it, you’ll feel better once  you pass through this portal. The full moon in Aries on the 29th will pump up your powers of communication.

PISCES (Feb 21-March 20)

If you’re feeling introspective, don’t be surprised. Saturn is making sure that you take inventory of your wants and needs, and this is a good thing. Your default tendency to let others make decisions for you doesn’t always serve you in the best way. Rather than being sad or dissatisfied, ask for ways to organize your thoughts so the right words come. Look for more money coming in your direction on the 29th.


See Judi Vitale at Una Biologicals on September 23, noon - 4pm. 

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