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October Horoscopes

October Horoscopes

The spooky season is upon us, and the question is:  What will the planets scare up for us? Well, there will be a couple of eclipses lurking in the sky, and a big “BOO” to wake us up when Pluto moves into direct motion. Don’t let any of that raise up the hair on the back of your neck, though. With a little guidance, you’ll cruise through the Libra-to-Scorpio segment of the calendar with grace and aplomb!

Remember: if you know what your ascending sign is, read for that one. If you don’t, read for your birthday sign…or find out what your rising sign is from a professional astrologer. Una happens to have one on site! Check in at Una for available dates with Judi and come on in to  get in-depth insight specifically for you.

Libra Season

ARIES (March 21-April 20)

Love is going to rock your world, as the New Moon in Libra offers you a chance to start (or start over) in your relationship life. Plan for romantic moments around the 14th. Career moves get the green light from Pluto. Take you power and stay in it. Money matters change for you after the eclipse on the 28th.


TAURUS (April 21-May 20)

You need to change your day to day routine and take better care of your health. Find a way to continue to move your body, despite the chill in the air. A long-planned trip could be ready to take shape after the 10th, but you may not be going anywhere alone. The eclipse on the 28th very much brings attention to your me-thee axis, so expect to be asked to honor a commitment.


GEMINI (May 21-July 20)

More fun could come into your life this month, or there might be a change in one of your friendships that makes you wonder how something happened. Don’t wallow in disappointment. Some time alone might be just what you need, particularly toward the end of the month. An inspiration for a Halloween costume will keep you busy!


CANCER (June 21-July 22)

If there’s an issue that has to do with your home or family life, it could come to the fore when the eclipse of the sun happens on the 14th. Change in your home situation can unsettle you, but it can also shake you out of a rut. If a relative needs to hear your truth, you’ll find a compassionate way to express it around the 19th. Gather with old friends and make some new ones for Halloween.


LEO (July 23-Aug 22)

A change in your daily routine will be for the better. Go with it. New coworkers, even if they seem to be encroaching on your territory, could turn out to be helpful. The Eclipse on the 14th might bring out an issue with a car or computer that needs your attention. Take care of it. There will be plenty of money when you hear good news that increases your sense of security at the end of the month,.


VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22)

You don’t always spend a lot of time worrying about money, but that might change when the eclipse of the sun arrives on the 14th. You could get a raise, which would be awesome; but an unexpected expense could come up too. As with all things, balance is the best thing to strive for. Socially, your calendar will be full with people to see and places to go. Stay fiscally sound.


LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Time to take a look at yourself and make the changes you want. The eclipse on the 14th can help you put what you do and the way you look into line with what you really want. A stalled real estate deal or family matter could finally get in gear after the 10th, and Mars will bring the money you need to the table.

Scorpio is soon

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21)

There’s rarely a question about what you want, but with Mars in your sign, no one will be left wondering. You have a way of asserting yourself that sends a message without having to say anything twice. That becomes truer than ever when the sun moves into your sign on the 23rd. The eclipse on the 28th will help you settle a long-standing question regarding a relationship.

SAGITTARIUS  (November 22-Dec 21)

It’s a great time of year to gather with friends, and you may see a resurgence of a group of people you haven’t hung with for a while. If you’re feeling reflective, don’t be frustrated. Not every decision can be made on the spot, and when you think something through, you’re more likely to get what you really want. Clarity will come on the 28th.


CAPRICORN (Dec 21-Jan 20)

It might seem like you’ve spent endless months waiting for things to happen. With Pluto moving out of retrograde on the 10th, get ready to set off from the starting line. The eclipse in your house of career on the 14th will be a welcome climax to a period of wondering about your future. Love looks good around the 6th.


AQUARIUS (Jan 21-Feb 20)

Expand your horizons when the eclipse freshens your house of learning and travel around the 14th. Whether you decide to take a class, a trip, or both, the experience will help you bring your work-life balance to a good place. Pluto will help you sort out some philosophical questions that could have been troubling you. Follow the part of you that “just knows.”


PISCES (Feb 21-March 20)

A sudden passion for a person or something you’ve always wanted to do could really get you fired up this month. Communication is very important, so if you have to ask for more time to pursue the path your heart wants you to follow, do it. Understanding friends will be there to support you from the 10th onward.


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