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February 2025 Horoscopes

February 2025 Horoscopes

By: Judi Vitale

The middle of winter conjures different images for everyone. Will this February be a peaceful, productive time, or a harsh and sometimes cruel environment that forces us into hibernation? With the sun in Aquarius most of the month, and Pluto also in that sign, expect a little of everything to be mixed in with your experience. The planets will set up a lot of action for us, including the warmth of Valentine’s day, so let’s find all the ways we can make the most of this special time of year.

Below, you’ll see forecasts for every sign. You can read for your sun sign, but reading for your Ascending or rising sign will make it even more accurate. Do you not know your Ascending sign? It’s easy to identify it, as long as you have your birth time. Get your chart calculated online, or stop by Una and visit Judi. She’ll be offering astrology and tarot readings on February 15th.

ARIES (March 21-April 20)

Plan some party time around the 12th. The full moon will bring all your friends out to play, and you will want to be there for all the action. Aquarius energy will multiply your desire to gather in groups, and you may find yourself offering your services to make your community, or even the world, a much better place.

TAURUS (April 21-May 20)

If you’ve been holding your tongue about a certain matter, Mars will inspire you to speak your mind when it moves back into direct motion. Aggravation could infect your good mood around the 11th, but by the 23rd you should be able to express your needs without reservation. A friend will need your advice around the 25th.  Be gentle.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Valentine’s week will be a highlight for you. Maybe you’ll take off with someone special, or meet an intriguing individual when the full moon shines on the 12th. Look closely around your neighborhood for new people you’re bound to love. You’ll need some patience at work. Try to keep your cool, especially on the 25th.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

If you’re looking for love, you could find it through a connection with someone from a far-off land. If you’re already coupled up, maybe the two of you will plan or take an exotic trip to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Stake your claim in a relationship around the 23rd. It’s time for you to be very direct about making your needs known.


LEO (July 23-Aug 22)

Your focus shifts to all your one-to-one relationships this month. Communicate clearly, and be open to accepting love from an unexpected source. You will start out early in the month on a quest for true intimacy.  If you’re not already attached, your intense attraction to someone could become more than a crush, right on Valentine’s Day!

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22)

Jupiter will make a move on the 4th that gives you the career answers you’ve been waiting for.  An upgrade is definitely in order, but you may be asked to jump through a few more hoops to prove just how valuable you are to your boss or clients. Although you never mind hard work, don’t go overboard. Reserve time for Venus to bring out your sexy side, all month long. 

LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Have you recently been bitten by the travel bug? It could be time to pull the trigger on that big trip you’ve been considering. Combine your itch to roam with your urge to merge, and you could have a Valentine’s MONTH of romance enchanting enough to fulfill even your most fairy-tale-like dreams. Whether you go away or not, love will become a focus after the 4th.


SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Look to the full moon on the 12th to bring a wish you have to come true. Most likely, this will have to do with your image at work, but it can also involve a change in your romantic status. This is going to be a very romantic time for you, but Saturn will add just enough cautionary advice to help you walk into any relationship wil eyes wide open.

SAGITTARIUS  (November 22-Dec 21)

You can enjoy a lot of fun and games during the first part of the month. But, as your visibility increases around Valentine’s Day, expect extra responsibilities to accumulate. You might acquire some home-related crises to handle, or your family could call upon you to give them more time, energy, and other resources. Be generous, but judicious.

CAPRICORN (Dec 21-Jan 20)

You certainly know how to be amazingly productive without wasting time. The sun will help you secure your financial position and prepare you for a potential, and very smart, purchase. You also know how important timing is, so wait for the new moon on the 27th to bring you the inspiration you need to launch a new project or send out a powerful message.

AQUARIUS (Jan 21-Feb 20)

It’s your birthday month, so collect all the kudos you have coming to you. With Pluto in your sign, it’s easy to accept the leadership role. Just don’t let yourself become overwhelmed. Work with Mercury on the 9th to ensure that your wishes are well known. Your health will improve when you add structure to your schedule at this time.

PISCES (Feb 21-March 20)

It will be much easier for you to make yourself understood once Mercury moves into your sign on Valentine’s Day. This could be your chance to let someone you met know that you’re interested in more than occasional text messages. If you’re already attached, let your mate know how much love means to you, and ask for what you want. At work avoid feeling inhibited on the 25th. Speak your mind.

By: Judi Vitale

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